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Statement of Intent / SVA POD

This is my in-progress statement of intent for the Products of Design program at SVA. I would love any feedback you might have.

Design is an intellectual pursuit; it is not limited by the bounds of aesthetic, but rather bolstered by the breadth of a…

The Unicorn Designer

Back in 2003 I wrote a bowling game in QBasic
. I have been writing code since I was 12 years old. So yes, I am a coder and I ❤ code. Today, I am also a UX designer, or at least will be one after I complete my MFA in Interaction Design course at SVA. There are already a lot of…

The next design tool

It’s 2017, we have hover boards, self driving cars and glasses that take photos triggered by blinking. The future is here…

Interaction Design for different devices

The value of Interaction Design

Claire Suurmond, CMD3D, 0880095, 0880095@hr.nl

Interaction design is changing almost daily with technology and user access to new tools (Cao, J. 2015). Users get used…

Smart Space Interior Design Ideas in Chennai


Every living space — your home, office, or any commercial space — breathes a unique flavor. When you infuse your own personality into each living sphere, its transformation into an enthralling…