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Imperative vs Declarative Programming

This is a response to Tyler McGinnis’ article of the same name.

Like many before him, Mr. McGinnis tries to answer the question about imperative vs declarative with the old “what vs how” metaphor, but I think that misses the mark. It…

Don’t Use a Shared Connection on Full Stack Capybara Tests

A while back, Jose Valim posted a Gist on using a shared db connection for Capybara acceptance tests. Since Capybara loads your app up in a separate thread (which would use a different db connection) the theory here is that by…

Differential Bots

Chatbots have exploded (again) onto the tech scene in 2016. With more and more players going all-in on this method of interaction, we have a brand new ecosystem for application development. Already, VC-backed apps like Poncho are starting to emerge and attempt to utilise this new technology…

A Perfect Pi Weather Display for Your Desk

If you want a very general forecast for the weather over the next four days, this Raspberry Pi project might be just the solution. It uses four 8x8 LED matrices from Adafruit to show the day’s weather in the form of icons, such as: sunny, stormy, show, or…

Looking for a smart wearable and can’t find it

Some time ago I pre-ordered a Moov.

It was quite nice. It was light, it felt ok to wear it all the time. I enjoyed the fact that it was waterproof so I could take it with me for a swim and that it had a battery that needed…

The Value of Solar: Stability

By Emily McManamy

Spontaneity and unpredictability are great when you’re planning your next adventure vacation, but when you’re trying to pay the bills?

Think Quick. Act Quicker.

Right now, it’s hard to escape the fact that the UK is going through a period of upheaval that the established…