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Give Me Space: Designing Learning Spaces

Daniella Latham, EdTech Austin

Last night, we were privileged to be joined by Raechel French, K-12 Educational Planner at DLR Group, an integrated design company. Raechel uses her training in architecture and psychology to plan…

Moore’s Law is dead ! Yeah !!!!

According to a new report from the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) ( Intel and Samsung inside), transistors will stop stop shrinking by 2021. I say yeah!

Moore’s law is the observation that the number of transistors in a…

Strange Loops And Negotiated Spaces

Douglas Hofstadter, in his 2007 book ‘I am a strange Loop’, claimed that the soul (meaning the…


People often develop a sense that certain neighborhoods are “hot,” or “up-and-coming. ” Today’s Washington Post highlighted three neighborhoods — Trinidad, Eckington and Anacostia — which it determined to be heating up. But…

Music Production Programs and Classes — Making Beats

A vocation in music of Khmer song implied just playback singing or turning into a performer 10 years or two back. Further, music used to be an only a side interest or a removed dream for some individuals, yet no more. Music has entered…

[WW]CODE Review June 22nd

Your Opinion Matters
 When was your last promotion?

< 6 months — 1 year — 2+ years ago

 Insight Data Science & Engineering Fellows Programs are offering $1000 scholarships to WWCode members! Programs are…

Pokémon Go ist erst der Anfang: Augmented Reality verändert Industrie und Logistik

Das neue Nintendo-Spiel Pokémon Go ist derzeit die erfolgreichste Smartphone App der Welt und die Medien schüren den Hype mit immer neuen Geschichten an. Durch den massiven Ansturm auf das…

Bots and Gender
Veronica Belmont

Thought provoking question Veronica Belmont — I tend to lean towards not assigning a gender identity to AI as it would lead to all the gender absurdities we encounter given our gender, race, sexuality etc. However on the other hand, we as a human race aren’t able to emotionally connect with other beings without assigning a gender identity. Think…

The fundamentals of Home Window Repair

Dallas Window Repair

Home window repair is usually a stressful task to numerous. It is one of those few repairs that men and women believe they will not need to take into consideration; however there are numerous reasons that explains…