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Legal Tech - Mapping Disruption

We (Seedcamp) recently hosted a Legal Tech focused event in partnership with Next Law Labs to bring together influencers in the Legal Tech community and those interested in finding out more. The turnout for the event was great and speaking to the founders who came along it…

How to raise $170 million for a crazy idea

At the origin of Solar Impulse in 2002, there was no money, no team and no technology. Nothing more than a crazy idea of achieving the first-ever solar flight around the world, with the objective of promoting clean solutions for a more sustainable world…

Useful Imagemagick Commands

Imagemagick is one of those tools that’s there on literally every developers computer. It’s such a nifty and…

How to train your Pokemon?

The world is going gaga over Pokemon Go, people are hunting down Pokemon on their office desks, road side…

Top 8 Cool Gadgets 2016: The Ultimate List

Technology is ruling our lives these days. Revolution in technology has given birth to lots of cool gadgets, and people are getting addictive with these gadgets. Everyone wants the latest technology in their hands in today’s modern era. Check out our list…

Hi Perre, Great insight!
Usman Ahmed

Current technology* used in UCLA’s form engine:

  • WordPress, Shibboleth single-sign-on — environment & security.
  • Backbone.js with Marionette—front end.
  • Client-side MVC, Web API in ASP.NET MVC (incl. MediaTypeFormatter, MS SQL, Entity Framework, exporting JSON) — backend.

One Day. Dozens of Volunteers. Hundreds of Cans. (And a CI Tool)

Posted by Suzie Prince

Kevin Yeung from ThoughtWorks’ Singapore office joins The Pipeline to tell us all about how technology can help nonprofits track thousands of tin cans across a major city…

Case Study Update: Carrier Johnson

Last October, we mentioned that Carrier Johnson was using Arazoo to streamline their product selection process and make their product knowledge accessible to everyone across the firm.

Virtual Objects Can Be Felt In Virtual Space With 3D-Haptics Technology

Here we are writing on which could be a next level 3D CAD human -machine interface.

Miraisens Inc., a Tokyo-based company, recently revealed to what they have named “3D-Haptics…

Rep. Hoyer Speaks on Renewing Faith in Government

Yesterday, House Minority Whip Steny Hower (D-MD) gave an interesting speech on renewing the American people’s faith in government. He ticked off four major areas for reform: campaign finance reform, voting rights, redistricting reform, and…

Digitize your world with us.

The METS and ALTO have now been utilized for a number of years. Libraries, universities, newspaper…

Google will introduce its own smartphones

Google Inc. has begun developing its own smartphone. It is also reported that Google…

How Art Helps Kids Learn

There is no doubt that play is important in a developing child’s life. Play helps young people learn social skills and reasoning, alongside having several other benefits for growth. One facet of such play is art. While play overall helps with development, art is useful in that it…