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Making as an Act of Caring

My friend Deb Chachra wrote a great piece ‘Why I am not a Maker’ in the Atlantic last year, about the problems with taking on the identity of a “maker”, especially in tech culture, as it assumes intrinsic superiority to other forms of repair, fixing and especially, care-giving…

Week of 2016–07–17

This Happened

Interval Service — All for one and one for all! … and some for most? When you add an interval, throttle, debounce, or delay (and probably some others I forgot) to your flow, the interval service will handle the complexity of sending a timed…

Progressive Volunteer Tech: Where are we now

This is part one of the Progressive Coders Network strategy moving forward. For the complete strategy, view the document here.

Bernie Sanders’ campaign has empowered the activist tech community in so many amazing ways. It has…

How will bots make an impact on our lives?

“Can a machine think?”. Ever since mathematician Alan Turing (1912–1954) raised that question, people have been obsessed with creating an artificial intelligence (A.I) smart enough to actually do a human’s work. Alan even predicted that by the 2000s the…

Making Local Government Tech Investment a Priority

In scanning recent the past few months of business news and press releases, it is clear that US has gone mobile. Google, Apple, Yahoo and Facebook have all released earnings reports that indicate their future investment strategy in mobile platforms. This is clear trend, and…

The World’s Greatest Minds in Manchester #ESOF16

by Zaiba Dadu, @UTCBolton
I met some of the world’s greatest minds today!
The conference was extremely informative with Dr Thomas Hartung’s
“21st century science

Techweek Toronto Kickoff Party with Extreme Accelerator

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After weeks of planning, we finally held the Techweek Toronto Kickoff Party on the Extreme Accelerator rooftop patio.

Field notes from the ruins of the future

Some field notes from a bit of weekend urban exploration in an abandoned semiconductor fab, over at my blog.

Scope of Data Integration — Hexanika

Data [1] integration involves combining data residing in different sources and providing users with a unified view of data. This process becomes significant in a variety of situations, which include both commercial (when two similar companies need to merge their…

Brexit: One Month Later

Why the case for #SheCanCode has strengthened

[Click for article on SheCanCode]

Let’s rewind one month to London Technology Week (20–26th June) — a celebration of London’s digital sector with more than 250…

Stainless Steel Balls Manufacturer

Towards the degree we know, metal steel is a typical name for metal composite that include 10. five per cent or more Chromium (Cr) and even more than half Straightener (Fe). The chromium content in stainless steel amalgams is those things for the most part dismisses…