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Offline First, the Decentralized Web, and Peer-to-Peer Technologies

I recently attended the first Offline Camp, a gathering of a very diverse group of people that were interested and invested in the Offline First subject. Thanks to the organizers (and the sponsoring by YLD, IBM…

Khetify your Roofs:Build your own Farm-villa

Khetify is making ‘Farmville for Real’ by enabling millions of urban houses with…

Internship Experience at an early stage startup in a Tier-2 city

I first heard of EezyNaukari when it came to our college, Kanpur Institute of Technology, to hire interns. We were told that the Founding team will be coming to interview us and the job location would be Kanpur itself…

Musician Releases Album as a Live Coding Device on a Raspberry Pi Zero

The brainchild of musician Alex McLean (Yaxu), Spicule is a unique album released as a Raspberry Pi Zero device, enabling its tracks to be reworked using the open-source TidalCycles live coding environment.

HackHarvard’s #BreakTheWall Mantra

Want to organize your own Hackathon?

What if we told you that it’s fairly simple. Well, at least a whole lot easier than rocket science.

Makeathon 2016: Recap

Put on by OHI/O, the Makeathon is Ohio State University’s largest annual hardware hackathon. This year, 115 students from the Ohio State University and beyond worked 24 hours during the weekend of March 5 to create innovative hardware projects. The event grew from last year’s 2015 event…

Adapt or die trying

В согласии с более ранними предположениями, сегодня мировую инфосферу всколыхнула представленная французским источником фотогалерея новой комплектной гарнитуры к iPhone — без штекера 3.5 мм, предназначенной исключительно для разъема Lightning. Нельзя сказать, что очередной симптом кастрации…

Hackean cuenta del CEO de Twitter

El grupo de seguridad OurMine logró publicar en la cuenta del fundador y actual CEO de Twitter, únicamente para demostrar sus habilidades y hacerse publicidad.