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Communication in Polymer

In my last post I discussed the concept of Properties in Polymer Custom Elements. Properties are also used to make our Elements more dynamic. Hence in this post I will give an overview of how, via Properties, two or more Elements can talk to each other.

First Peek into TEDxBeaconStreet 2016

Last week, a group of diverse individuals gathered together to share their stories. Fifteen speakers introduced their passions, voiced their impact, and established their call to action. These speakers included MIT PhDs, professors, journalists, athletes, and…

How SERVIR Built a Global Data Network

In The Orbital Perspective (Barrett-Koehler Publishers, 2015), author and astronaut Ron Garan describes how he and others are working to apply the orbital perspective here at home, embracing new partnerships and processes to promote peace and combat hunger

Apple to open retail stores in India, says CEO Tim Cook

After months of to and froing with the Indian government, Apple CEO Tim Cook said on Tuesday the company will open retail stores in India.

Jakin ID provides best in class RFID Access Control System, which uses an RFID tag system for automatic entry through a door. We use this system for members to access our maker space…

How to Avoid Joining an Early Startup Failure by Interviewing Like a Boss
Cody Musser

Cody Musser another great advice would be understanding who is your target audience. Although it looks obvious, people who just don’t pay enough attention of that and simply focusing on the product thus waste their time and resources for something that might not be productive after all

Get the Best Online Payroll Software

An Online Payroll Software you and your employees can trust. Generate and share payslips…