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Claudia Miranda: Living in the Moment

Gray Area’s Cultural Incubator Program is a 6 month commitment to develop a project that applies art and technology for social and civic impact, Membership includes peer to peer support, shared workspace at the historic Grand Theater, and opportunities for public…

Importance of Educational Technology #edtechForLife

We live in a dynamic world surrounded by almost endless amounts of information and where technology is a very vital factor. With each passing day a new software or gadget is being brought into the market that serves to improve our lives and…

The Economics of Data Part II — Demand

In Part I , we started by presenting data as the fuel for the next wave in economic development. We categorized data based on scarcity, essentiality, reproducibility and volatility.

Facebook, Identity Theft, and Personal SafetyIt seems like everyone I know is on Facebook. And, that’s a good thing. For some people, Facebook is a great place to keep in touch with…

Could a simple swab of saliva predict cancer?

by Lauren Levi, DMD

The eyes may be the window to the soul, but could saliva be a snapshot of your overall health? Researchers at University of California, Los Angeles are beginning to suggest that saliva may contain certain…

U.K. Holds Hearing on Potential for Blockchain

On July 20, 2016, the Economic Affairs Committee of the House of Lords held a hearing to educate themselves on the potential benefits and risks of using blockchain technology and the effect it may have on the economy. The lively discussion raised…