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The Future of Food Security is in the Trash — And in Technology

By Monica Munn, Sr. Strategy Associate, The Rockefeller Foundation; Abe Tarapani, Director of Business Development, Premise; and Florent Silve, Sr. Economist and Data Scientist, Premise

Review- OrcaTorch T11 military flashlight

Author: Bc412 in BLF
Orcatorch was kind enough to send 2 of the T11 flashlights to me. One of them is going to be torture tested a little later in the week, but wanted to upload my findings on performance and…

Drive + Innovation = A Changed Mind

Continuing my pursuit of the newest tech concepts brought me back to San Francisco for the 2016 Wearable Technologies Conference. I was honored to deliver the Keynote address, When Sports & Technology Collide, to kickoff the second day of the conference.

Imperious Expo in Tacoma This Week, July 20–21

The inaugural Imperious Expo is coming this week to Tacoma, Washington. The conference — a professional celebration of the medical and industrial cannabis industries — is taking place this Wednesday and Thursday, July 20–21, in the Tacoma Dome…

Small Business Tech This Week: Make Money with Pokémon Go, and Vine Is on the Decline

(This post originally appeared on Forbes)

Here are five things in technology that happened this past week and how they affect your business. Did you miss them?