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For Dummies — The Introduction to Neural Networks we all need ! (Part 2)

This article is in continuation to the Part1 of this series. If you have not yet read it, I highly recommend you to do that before we dive into multi layered neural networks here!

[Notes] The Inevitable

The following are highlights from Kevin Kelly’s (also here)amazing The Inevitable.


2016 is the Best Year to Start Up So Far

The future of jobs is that there won’t be any

This year, a report on the Future of Jobs was delivered to Congress showing that if you make less than $20 an hour, the odds that you will lose your job to a machine are 83%. If you’re making $40 an hour, your odds are 31%. There is already a…

Goodbye, VHS: World’s Last VCR to Be Made This Month

Until I saw the headline on the BBC earlier this week, I actually had no idea that VCRs were still being produced. But apparently they are. Well, until later this month that is. So, as we wave goodbye to VHS, I wonder whether anyone will…

5 Hard Drive Repair Mistakes to Avoid

One of the most important components of a business is how well their data storage and backup…

How Do Wireless Chargers Work?

There are hundreds of things LithiumCard Pro in the average home that need electricity or regular recharging — laptops, mobile phones, tablets, mp3 players, electric toothbrushes, shavers, kettles; the list goes on and on. Although all these inventions are fantastic modern…

Computer Building & Upgrades

What you need to know when buying….

Is your computer too slow or too old?

Then maybe It’s the perfect time with an upgrade!