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I do not want to pick on the author of the original piece, which has much more than this line and many good points, but I see this reasoning as support for microservices so often that it boggles my mind. As someone who successfully led a migration from a monolith to microservices (nb: it took about 2 years to do, so you know, prepare yourself if this

Why do we want to create a new politics?

Our world is changing. We are now at the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution, a new stage of global progress driven by exponential technological advancements. The revolution is shifting the way we live, work, and play. It is expanding our understanding…

Introducing GeoDash


In the international space, use of opensource Web GIS has quickly expanded in recent years. However, there are still significant barriers to delivering web-based GIS products to potential users within related decision-making windows. This gap in the…

A Closer Look at RDDs

Apache Spark has gotten a lot of attention for its fast processing of large amounts of data. But how does it get up to…

Israeli start-up’s headphones adapt to people’s unique earprints

“The two basic precepts of the audio industry are that we all hear exactly the same, and that we all hear perfectly, and we know that…

Can the digital bill transform the UK?

This week, digital industries minister Ed Vaizey introduced the government’s long-awaited digital economy bill into parliament, setting out proposals with a bold ambition to help the UK become “a place where technology ceaselessly transforms the economy, society and government”.

10 Things to Know About Part 107

This morning, the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced the final Small UAS Rule, effective in late August 2016.

The new rule, Part 107 of the Federal Aviation Regulations, is explained in a…

The Brexit Fallout: Where Do We Go From Here?

In my last blog post, I discussed the possibilities facing small businesses in London if the EU referendum resulted in Britain leaving the EU. Unfortunately, that possibility became reality on the morning of 24th June and the resulting turmoil has…

Drones Are Where People Are, and That’s Really Important

Last week, the Federal Aviation Administration published a complete location database of drone registrations as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The Federal Aviation Administration’s registration data contains…

Why Brandschools?

I found this article by Larry McKeown and Cathy Underhill of Statistics Canada, which I hope you find interesting as well.

In 2005, over one quarter of adult Canadians — an estimated 6.4 million — used the Internet for education, training or school work.

How to Fly Your Drone Safely, Securely, & Legally

We recently announced the launch of AirMap for Drone Operators, our free mobile app for iOS and Apple Watch. AirMap makes it easy for operators who don’t operate drones already integrated with AirMap services to fly responsibly. With AirMap for…

A Cell Site Simulator Follow-UP & an FBI FOIA

I recently wrote and published a piece on the use of cell site simulators for the ABA Journal, and during that process I FOIA’ed the FBI. This post includes the results of that FOIA and further discussion around the FBI’s new guidelines.

Hackney owner eager to be local medical marijuana dispensary

George Hackney Sr. finally received the call he had been waiting for. The Florida Department of Health told him on Monday, Hackney Nursery will join four other Florida nurseries in producing medicinal marijuana for the state.

3D Printing & It’s Utilities

3D printing enables reduce part weight, raw material and cut total energy used in production. But to take advantage of 3D printing, engineers need updated, intuitive and easy-to-learn CAD tools.