All Stories published by The Awl on July 29, 2011

Well, This Happened

Who do I have to bang to get an advance copy of the new @coldplay album? I mean, really.less than a minute ago via WhoSay




Gwyneth Paltrow

Well, this happened.

‘Longshot’: The Games Begin

Longshot magazine — in which a magazine is produced over the course of a weekend — is now up and running and on its way. If you wish, you could submit! Or just watch along and enjoy the process. Also there is a radio station!

Please Let America Be Free of Piers Morgan

I don’t mind being wrongly smeared with all this #Hackgate stuff, I’d just rather it wasn’t done by liars, druggie ex-bankrupts and conmen.Wed Jul 27 11:37:54 via web

You’ll Want to See ‘The Change-Up’

by Awl Sponsors

The Change-Up is one of the most straight-up fun movies of the summer. It doesn’t take its familiar premise all that seriously — who really cares about the science behind a fountain that causes people to switch bodies when they…

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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