All Stories published by The Awl on July 18, 2011

How to Quit Your Job

There sure is a lot of quitting going on! Whether you’re a terribly disgruntled Taco Bell employee who took it out on a sign or just a normal schmo, the mini-thaw — possibly the New York-only thaw? — of the great recession allows people to actually leave jobs sometimes. But we’re all a…

Fixing ‘Dune’

Dune without dialogue: can this campy, disastrous movie be saved by making it more Kubrickian and less studio-messes-with-David-Lynchian?

The #1 Way to Not Use Your Laptop

Helpful hint: Don’t file-share child pornography on your laptop, law firm partners. Probably don’t do it on any other computer/in any other profession either?

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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