All Stories published by The Awl on July 12, 2011

Two Bros Bro Down on “Is the Web Making Journalism, Like, Bad?”

So this is happening: “To accompany The Economist’s special report on the news industry, Jay Rosen and Nicholas Carr are debating whether the Internet is making journalism better.” Mmmmkay….

The Bad Deal: Check Before You Buy an “Online Deal”!

Are you familiar with The Bad Deal? Its proprietor, Ryan Sutton, tracks the ever-expanding group coupon (or, in the parlance, a “GROUPON,” LOL) industry for things that are frankly fairly terrible. (For instance? $140 for 90 minutes of…

What Are They Going to Say in 4012 AD When They Dig Up the Berlusconi Statues?

“Officials on Tuesday unveiled a massive statue believed to be that of Roman emperor Caligula sitting on a throne…. Caligula, who reigned from 37 to 41 A.D., has gone down in history as a crazed…

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