All Stories published by The Hairpin on June 23, 2011

The Fate of Huguette Clark’s Dolls

Lots of Doll News today: Huguette Clark, the fascinating “reclusive heiress” who died last month at 104 with an estate worth $400 million, has apparently left her valuable doll collection to her “nurse and close friend,” Hadassah Peri.

Eat Sauerkraut

If you want 25 things to talk about this weekend, here are “25 Amazing Facts About Food.” They aren’t all amazing, but maybe different ones will amaze you for different reasons. Unfortunately, you have to download it as a PDF, but it’s free, and it’s amazing. They also kind of sneak Amazing Facts Nos…

[Are You There, Lil Wayne?]

The fine folks at Paper Magazine alerted us to the fact that in Enrique Iglesias’ new video, “Dirty Dancer,”…

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