21 Days to Go: Turning 50! 50 GlowTips I’m sharing to Spread the Glow!

Bettina Moss
2 min readDec 11, 2014


21 Days to go until I turn 50! So I’ve decided to share 50 GlowTips to Get Your Glow ON — one per day, in no particular order of importance and just as they come to me…

And here’s GlowTip 30: You can’t criticise and complain your way to Happiness!

There are always going to be things that bug us, and we’re entitled to our opinions — but sitting in judgement of the world is not a happy place to be! How can you possibly enjoy life, when nothing’s ever good enough?

There’ll always be plenty of stuff to find fault with — when that’s what we’re focusing on. And the most critical people are also the most self-critical — they’re harsh on themselves and they’re harsh on those around them.

Self-confident, happy, loving people don’t feel the need to criticise or belittle anybody else. They’re too busy enjoying life and creating the Good Stuff.
So if you find yourself on the receiving end of someone else’s bad vibes, then it helps to understand that it says more about how that person’s feeling about *themselves*, than it does about you.

Complaining and finding fault is never creative, constructive or helpful. It’s just not possible to criticise, blame and complain your way to Happiness!

And expressing disapproval doesn’t benefit anyone. Having a go at someone (or yourself) and pointing out all the things you think that they’ve ‘done wrong’ is not going to improve the situation. All it does is create more negativity.

It’s much easier to criticise, than it is to create something. And the most opinionated and habitually critical people seldom, if ever, create anything of value themselves! How can they — when they’re so busy criticising!

It’s a lot more beneficial for everyone, when we appreciate what is working and we encourage and support ourselves and each other to do even better. That’s the way to create more of the Good Stuff!

Read GlowTip 1 here

Read GlowTip 2 here

Read GlowTip 3 here

Read GlowTip 4 here

Read GlowTip 5 here

Read GlowTip 6 here

Read GlowTip 7 here

Read GlowTip 8 here

Read GlowTip 9 here

Read GlowTip 10 here

Read GlowTip 11 here

Read GlowTip 12 here

Read GlowTip 13 here

Read GlowTip 14 here

Read GlowTip 15 here

Read GlowTip 16 here

Read GlowTip 17 here

Read GlowTip 18 here

Read GlowTip 19 here

Read GlowTip 20 here

Read GlowTip 21 here

Read GlowTip 22 here

Read GlowTip 23 here

Read GlowTip 24 here

Read GlowTip 25 here

Read GlowTip 26 here

Read GlowTip 27 here

Read GlowTip 28 here

Read GlowTip 29 here

