Emoji — Notes

Sam McLaren
Digital Dorset
Published in
4 min readSep 17, 2021

As part of my #weeknotechallenge I have decided to challenge myself to doing a different style of weeknotes every week.

Since i sadly missed a week we are on weeknote #33!

The other weeknotes in the challenge are linked below:

‘Traditional’ Weeknotes , Gif-Notes , Sketch-Notes, Shanty-Notes, Week-quotes, Animal Crossing — Notes , Poster — Notes, Haiku — notes, Achievement — notes, Hanami — notes, Meme — notes, Retro — notes, Comic — notes, Story — notes, Slang — notes, Tweet — notes, Blog — notes, Hansai — notes,Show & Tell — notes, Taskmaster — notes, Lyrical — notes, Rap — notes, Wellbeing — notes,Football — notes, Superhero — notes,Hot or Not — notes, Olympic — notes, Lesson — notes,Hamilton — notes,Poké — notes,Limerick — notes,Lil’ — notes

I’ve been on and off the past week so i thought i would take it easy and do something simple for this week. What better way to show how you are feeling in a simple way then something that was created for that exact purpose!

That was sick!

After coming back from leave i then had to take some time because i was sick. I’m still not feeling 100% but i am much better then i was. One thing that i noticed is that being sick when working from home is now a completely different scenario.

Before you would have the distinction between work and home but now you feel almost guilty that you aren’t working because you could just be on your laptop whilst in bed etc.

As tempted as i was i just took the time to rest.

Catchup and Mustard

Being off for a while means a i had a fair bit to catchup up on. This meant lots of emails, teams notifications and everything in between. I still don’t think i have full caught up on everything but I’m sure it will be fiiinnee.

It did make me reflect on a habit i have. Its much easier to just do something yourself sometimes and when you aren’t actually there someone else has to do it! Its a bad habit and not a great leadership trait so its definitely something to work and improve on.


Shock. Horror. This is the part where i talk about the Festival. One thing that has really picked up since i got back is the festival. We are now in full preparation and promotion mode. Its crazy to think how far this has all come from the initial small meetings back in April.

I am so happy with the reaction that our promo video is getting because if i say it came to me in a dream I’m not joking! It took a lot of collaboration when filming and editing to get it to all come together.Also sometimes a lot of convincing but I’m proud of it:

Also if you havent already… Sign up now!!

Pass the parcel

This week i also ran some workshops and carried on with a piece of work building off of the amazing community shield work done last year.

Picking up someone’s work (in this case a Miro board) is something i don’t think gets talked about enough. It’s really hard! It’s a bit like reading a book in another language. You have to make sense of what’s going on and quickly pick up the pieces before you can move on. It really has made me think about how i present my ramblings and how i can make it easier to pass across if needed.

Think thats it from me this week,

Sam out!



Sam McLaren
Digital Dorset

Working to promote Dorset as a place to live, work, and visit. DL100 member. Inspiringthefuture volunteer. TED Speaker #SamsBrightIdeas