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Thomas Bailey

We started Notation over four years ago with a really simple idea — That we could help technical founders at the very earliest stages build great companies in NYC. We believed (and still believe) that there’s no idea, person, product or market “too early” for us to want to invest our time and capital…

Build together — Get rewarded

From the time Elrond has been announced as the next project doing an IEO through the Binance Launchpad, we…

DAO Journeys

The Death of the Corporation

Findings of my journey into the emerging…

Run Your Own IPFS Search Engine With Lens

Lens is another one of our open-source IPFS tools under the Temporal umbrella, allowing…

Temporal.cloud Walk-Through

IPFS at the click of a button with the best free usage tier of any IPFS…

HORIZEN: ZEN 2.0.18, Live Stream, Interview with Business Development Director, Wallets