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Notes on Strengthen Your Business

I just read Strengthen Your Business by Robert Bethel, here are some notes on it. It’s overall good information, but not particularly profound. It reminds me of some lessons common to Extreme Ownership and Perennial Seller. It’s far lighter than the dense philosophy I…

We Need To Learn To Embrace Uncertainty And Confusion

One of the most often told stories about innovation is that of Alexander Fleming and his discovery of penicillin. Returning after a summer holiday in 1928, the solitary Scottish scientist noticed that a strange mold had contaminated the…

The Ultraworking Pentathlon

It’s that time of year again. Sebastian Marshall is running another round of the Ultraworking Pentathlon, and I’ve signed up. It starts tomorrow. It’s always a reminder of how a man living in Malaysia can successfully run his life half on New York time, and half on Kuala Lumpur…

The Myth of the “Entrepreneur”

Originally published at www.stuckinthesand.com

Lets talk about the successful entrepreneur and what makes them so. Entrepreneurs break the rules, never give up, they have well thought out business plans, great ideas and most importantly lots of money…

How to Turn an Idea into an Income Stream in 5 Clear Steps
Dave Schools

Dave Schools, this is exactly what I’m trying to do. The 5 step process will be up in my eye line as I chip away each day. Many Thanks

I Don’t Want To Be Elon Musk or Steve Jobs
Billy Frazier

William Frazier Perfect timing with your article bringing up these two men. We often treat them with the highest of respect — as Innovation Legends. But if you know their pasts an interesting question arises: To be an Innovation Legend, do we have to be an A**hole sometimes? I actually just finished writing an article on this very question. Would…

How to Download Videos From Kralify.com

Kralify.com is a user generated video sharing website which servers variety of content…

EP 46: Choosing Empowering Beliefs

Listen to this episode on iTunes here

I honestly believe that everything in life comes down to which of these two beliefs you have. Some of them are empowering and some of them are not.