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No idea for your next move ? Try to shift towards a Blue Ocean.

I was just turning 30 when a friend of mine offered me Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne as a birthday present. What could have looked like a strange present turned to be one of the greatest one I…

Q&A: Nick Quah, Editor & Publisher of Hot Pod

The Idea talked to Nick Quah, one of the foremost analysts in podcasting, on what he’s learned from writing his weekly newsletter on the business of…

My Startup Story: Believe in what you are doing and then do it!

I started pitching to investors in the fall of 2017. It was my first time and there was a government grant funding application also pending. It cleared internal and external reviews, but at the very last moment (after 13…

Phoenix Devpreneur Events (Apr. 2nd-Apr. 8th)

Monday (Apr. 2nd)

Object Detection using Tensorflow | 6pm @ Galvanize
Phoenix TensorFlow User Group
SWSPF SouthWest Security Professionals Forum | 6pm @ in Tempe
SouthWest Security

The Revolution of Vision in Business

In 2015, Fast Company recognized Warby Parker as the most innovative company in the world. Today, Warby Parker is the number one store for millennials, and currently valued at over one billion dollars.

CortyX Clarity — Increase Your Memory Power Level

I may need to get to the forefront of CortyX Clarity Reviews as if you know that you should go where this leads you. There is just not a lot of insights out there on getting that to be rare. From whence do adolescents ferret out certified…

Get Ready to Grow — 5 Featured Stories
Meg Hogan

Thanks for your kindness, Meg. I shall look forward to reading all the other articles. No doubt about it: the Mark Growth blog is a tremendous resource for brands and marketers.

Robert Shumake || Several Online Business Tips

For people who are starting an online business, there are several obstacles and challenges that they may face. It is normal to be afraid when starting any business regardless of whether it is online or offline. However, if you’re going to allow…