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Catatan Tentang Blockchain (Part 3) — Bitcoin

Beberapa reader dari essay kemarin ada yang reach out dan inquire more about Bitcoin.

So i decided, before moving forward with Smart Contract, Ethereum, etc. lebih baik untuk membahas sedikit lagi tentang Bitcoin.

Inside Canada’s innovative women’s health start-up

Leisa Hirtz runs Women’s Global Health Innovations (WGHI) headquartered in Toronto. It is one of the world’s pioneering social businesses researching and developing menstrual, sexual and reproductive health (MSRH) products and educating…

RateMonk Inc. — start of a new adventure

About a year ago, around some time in the summer of 2017, four friends and three Monkrs…

How to write landing page copy that converts like crazy (even if it’s your first time)
Sean Meyer

Great insights, Sean!

Just passed this on to my core team. There are a dozen lessons here that are absolute diamonds. Many thanks.

You’ve made a Conversion Convert outa’ me!

How to learn how to learn?

Save time by reading my notes on the video “How to learn how to learn?” by Oussama Ammar. If you like the notes, make sure to watch the video to get the complete picture !

The most impressive entrepreneurs are the ones with the most impressive learning…