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Acceptance: I invest in cults run by cult leaders.

Thanks to my mate Richard Burton for leading me to this realisation that made retrospective sense of what I have always done intuitively.

How Casey Neistat’s Vlogging Journey Inspired My Career

Welcome back to daily video creation, Casey.

Startup Spotlight: ASUSU

ASUSU is a digital platform aimed at digitizing the village saving model and distrupting the cooperative system…

Oray Thanks You.

One day not so long ago, Gifny Richata and I agreed to try our luck and found ourselves a studio. Funded with our savings, which…

How to Become a Social Entrepreneur (What is it, and How do you Do it?)

Welfont Joe Johnson, Ph.D.
Entrepreneur. Investor. Startup Expert.

Take a moment to consider everything happening in the world around you. As you do, you’ll…

BetterCloud Rising

by David Aronoff, Flybridge Capital Partners

I met David Politis in 2011, the year he started BetterCloud, and I was fortunate to lead his Series A round in 2012. From day one he struck me as a visionary leader who had the unique ability to see into the future by…

Meet the 40 ROTR 7.0 Finalists

In just five short weeks, we hit the road again. The Rise of the Rest bus will roll into five cities to…

Why You Need to Fail to Succeed

That’s a rather provocative title, I suppose. Surely if you can avoid failure that is better, right? Not necessarily. There are two ways to avoid failure.

  1. Working so hard and doing such a good job that you succeed.
Hi Kristin!
Ali Shearman

Hey Ali,

I think a lot of people don’t even think about what the real sacrifices of chasing more money, more growth, more fame, etc are until it’s too late — marriages have broken down, kids are having issues, houses and cars are repossessed. They may or may not learn their lesson at that point, but people and relationships…

Ep 45: Keep it Simple

Listen to this episode on iTunes here

I think, a funnel is necessary for most businesses (not all businesses, but MOST of them.)

This podcast is a stream consciousness about keeping your funnels and your websites…