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3 Takeaways from Alfred Chuang — Former CEO of BEA Systems

Originally from Hong Kong, Alfred Chuang came to North America for higher education. After graduating in the 1980s, he joined Sun Microsystems and rose through the ranks.

How High Grow Ventures supported AgriDigital’s move into North America

This Agtech startup recently raised their Series A round and launched their blockchain technology overseas. Here’s how KPMG Enterprise High Growth Ventures helped map out their next step and go global.

Building Great Businesses from the Inside Out: A Night Out with KPCB’s Eric Feng

Eric Feng, Partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, is a builder, a tinkerer and a founder at heart. With a background in computer engineering, Eric has always been drawn to creation, and…

There are only 2 futures to invest in…

This is from a Richard Chen meet yesterday. I can’t get it out out of my head…would love your thoughts..

1/ We all believe in power of data

Monday sales motivation

Monday’s are the most important day of the week for any salesperson. Your level of sales motivation is set based off of what you do the first couple of hours. Never allow yourself to waste precious time working on low-level tasks Monday morning. Use…

Gabriel Btesh is Redefining Opportunities for Growth by Foreseeing Innovation in Every Endeavor — Gabriel Gaby Btesh

Gabriel Btesh takes great pleasure in the ability to help his home country flourish. Btesh’s greatest source of pride and purpose is…

PHX Devpreneur Events Apr. 30th-May 6th

Monday (Apr. 30th)

Cybersecurity and Basic Hacks | 6pm @ Galvanize
Central Cybersecurity Meetup

Tuesday (May 1st)

Galvanize Web Development Discovery Session |

Are You a Giver or a Taker?

The Weekly Stand-Up is a hand-picked batch of the best networking tips, smart marketing hacks, and trending sales techniques delivered to you each Monday. Tips so good we have a 150% above average click-through rate.

This story is unavailable.

Yes, yes and yes, Stephen. I still cringe when I get emails from “the team” at blahblah.com. Be the person you really are; it is actually so much easier and potentially more profitable than pretending to be anyone else.