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Powering VC platform: 3 Reflections from the 2018 VC Platform Summit

By: Stephanie Manning, Natalie Sportelli, and Amanda Mulay

We spent the day with 100+ platform leaders from venture firms across the country and around the world at the third annual VC…

Albin Stööp (Zalster) on quitting your job, (missed) opportunities, & product revenue

At the Next Web Conference, we met up with Albin Stööp. He is the co-founder and CEO of Zalster, a Facebook Ads automation platform based in Sweden. Prior to Zalster, Albin managed



作者:Paul Graham

創業大神 Paul Graham 說:

1. 對於一群創始人來說很常見的是,在意識到創業公司必須做出人們願意支付的東西之前,經常會遇到一個蹩腳的想法。

CyLon alum scores seven-figure funding round 💥

Alumni shout-out time…

Our Cohort 5 alumni, Hazy, announced this morning an additional $1.8 million seed funding led by UCL Technology Fund, alongside Nationwide Building Society, Pentland, Amadeus Capital Partners, AI

Incubator Camp 2018 — at ZOLLHOF Tech Incubator

Letztes Jahr ins Leben gerufen, unterstützt der ZOLLHOF — Tech Incubator bereits über 30 Startups. Und mit unserer Mission „We make Entrepreneurship happen“ sind wir in Deutschland nicht allein. Rund 66 Menschen von verschiedenen Inkubatoren aus…



作者:D’Arcy Coolican


Starting ‘Next For Me’: Interview with StartOut

In the previous articles in this series I wrote about the beginnings of my company ‘Next For Me.’ From inspiration, collaborators, the law, broadcasting, money, conversion-ing and the company as a movement. Then a family emergency caught me off…