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Why i built my own Bookmarking app (lynks.in)

Its 2018 and bookmarking apps have been mainstream since at-least last 10 years. There are plenty of options available in the market already, so why exactly

What Every Startup, Marketer, Mom, Skateboarder, and Telephone Repair Person Can Learn from “Bad Blood”

I read the book “Bad Blood” by John LeCarre and was pretty shocked by it. I wanted to share all the lessons I learned so that you too don’t have to make…

Beyond the Business Model

A great talk by Paul Graham got me thinking about my own experiences over the years and in this post, I will discuss some of the key ideas that I found to be important and true.

A first-time entrepreneur is plagued by the necessity to find something that…

4 things I wish I had known before starting my saas business

As I am nearing the launch of my saas product at the end of this month, I have been reflecting on the time since starting my company and the most important lessons I have learned.


Premium Pure Keto Shark Tank:-Supplement your weight reduction administration with these calorie-consuming Slimcontainers. This all-regular supplement highlights weight reduction fixings that assistance your body better process…


Premium Pure Keto Shark Tank : investigate results and weight decrease tributes have been mixed without a doubt. By far the most especially advanced preferred standpoint of using Premium Pure Keto Shark Tank is its ability to…

Why Being Type A is a Surefire Way to Lose at Life
Brandon Evans

A Surefire Way to be Patient

Have you ever wondered why sometimes it’s so hard to be patient? Why it’s so easy to get agitated when something takes too long? Why is it so hard to spend more time on just one thing?


Premium Pure Keto Shark Tank :- The weight reduction in the treatment gather was humble, and the preliminary was just two months, which isn’t sufficiently long to know whether the supplement will help with weight reduction long…