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10 major Indian startups which closed in the year 2017

Last year I wrote an article with a list of failed startups in the year 2016 and the lessons we learned from these failures.

Why I cover a list of failed startups and a list of failed companies every year is…

This is The Only Viable Strategy to Build an Audience for Your Work
Srinivas Rao

Appreciate the article, Srinivas Rao, which came highly recommended by Coach Tony.

It seems like the different traits you mentioned fall in two categories: what you do (quality/deep work/distinctiveness) and how/how long you do it (time/consistency).

how to scale high growth teams

Took a snapshot at the Atrium meetup earlier, managed to sneak in early and get a good spot in the front…

Entrepreneurship is not just a young person’s game

So, this is a straight lift from this article by Ryan Holmes but it’s an interesting read….

The average founder starts a company at age 39. So why do we assume that youth…

What We’ve Learned Building a Remote Culture
Nick Francis

Nick Francis , I really like how you said “remote culture has to be an inalterable part of your company’s DNA” and I agree. When you’re part of a remote workplace and the company isn’t all-in it’s easy to tell and it’s not a positive environment. By being “remote first” and investing in that mission it’s easy to see why Help Scout has flourished in…