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Felipe Millan (SendGrid) on bad co-founders, joining a company with a startup mindset, and happiness

At Pirate Summit, we had the opportunity to talk to Felipe Millan. He is the Community Development Manager — Developer Evangelist of email delivery service

‘’How to Win Friends and Influence People’’

The author, Dale Carnegie, shows in the first chapter of his book that becoming genuinely interested in others is one of the most powerful things you can do.

These 5 Services Will Get You on A Rocket

Spaceflight may be one of the more famous integrators, but as more players enter the…

Knowing Your Employees

Kantipur Logistics company is being operated since mid of April in 2016 A.D. Being Managing Director I continuously…

Going Entrepreneurial for Women over 50: Tips for Success

You are a 50-plus woman and now you have ample time for yourself as your kids have grown up and can manage on their own. So what do you do? Music, Movies, Friends, Shopping, Reading, Travelling….there are lots in your bucket list…