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Girls | Tech | Colombia -> Latinity 2018

Latinity is a two day conference that meets latin women in computing and tech in general…

Most entrepreneurs (including myself) are not in their ’20s….

A post by Meredith Somers @ MIT last week here caused me to think about my own entrepreneurial journey. I had entrepreneurial tendencies early in my career — always trying to emulate my grandfather (reference here) — however…

I’m Not a Solo Founder Afterall

When I left WeWork to start Firneo earlier this year, I did something I told myself I’d never do again: launch a company as a solo founder. I’d done that once before and failed.

Strategic Planning For Your Sky Rocket Gym Growth

“The biggest shifts in business come from working on yourself.”

Strategic Planning is crucial for any business, but it is incredibly important how you work on it. Being in a fitness industry many of you want your gym…

The Form Of The Loss Of Weight Quickly For Brand New!

Keto Ultimate Shark Tank If followed properly, it can prove successful in creating a slimmer, healthier you. Pierre Dukan released his diet plan in his home French market. We see these people who are in excellent physical shape going…