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A framework for creating and testing a new business

I work with founders everyday as a Partner in Antler — problem solving, ideating, dealing with existential crisis; all of the exciting ups and downs of building a company from scratch.

Trackener: The Fitbit for Horses

Trackener are developing the future of equine care.

Having worked with Trackener through various programmes, the team at Capital Enterprise were keen to catch up with them to see what is coming next in their quest to keep every horse healthy and…

Go ahead and follow your passion
So Should I Follow My Passion or Not?
Matt Tanner

It’s not all about you, Matt Tanner.

What’s really interesting about your story is the way that adults thought it was a good idea to give 7th graders “career” advice — as if that at all addressed any of the problems important to 7th graders.

Meet #Femergy Advisor — Ranked #6 Top 100 Most Influential Women in Blockchain, Cherie Aimée

Cherie Aimée is Director of Communications at ShipChain. The project which raised $30MM in private funding. She ranks #6 of the Top 100 Women in Blockchain. She’s been…

The fallacy of doing only “One Thing”

A contrarian view on Gary W. Keller’s book — “One Thing

I have a 45 minute commute to work each day and I spend a lot of time listening to podcasts. One book that was highly recommended is Gary W. Keller’s book called “One Thing”. So I…