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Life Lessons

When You Feel Lost, Try This First

One reason I love tinkering so much is because it’s the perfect escape hatch for people who are…

Don’t Fit In.

I was reading Daring Greatly by Brené Brown last week. I didn’t like the book initially, but gave it a shot after watching the video…

Embracing #FOMO

No matter how much you prepare, read books, take birth classes, ask friends and family, or even visualize your life as a new mom…

Let’s turn this muthafucking brilliant idea brought to you by Danny Page and then Kolby Kay up with the love and support of Stacey Snyder UP A NOTCH SHALL WE???

I’m about to make my #7DFBVC absolutely real and stupid raw by shootingit LIVE! With you lovelies…..whomever may be up at 9:27 PM ON a Tuesday…..

This story is unavailable.

Thanks R.Dinasky.

I hope all my friends here feel the same as you do about this…

I’m very scared that it might hurt more than it helps. But it did help to write it down. To access my empathy for J.

Boehman Cracks the Narrative

A version of this article appeared in The Rotunda

Yesterday, Dr. Joe Boehman, the Dean of Richmond College, held a presentation called “The Narrative of Masculinity” about issues affecting men. He focused on how the narrative of how a man has to act in…

Loved seasonally

He loves me like a flower; seasonally.

- B. Damani, Gardens

I hate to admit it but the truth is, I am loved seasonally. When I was younger, I noticed how nobody notices me in my family (relatives included). I have to admit that I grew up feeling…