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Life Lessons

#ChooseMust: On the Red Couch with elle luna

We first heard Elle Luna speak at the Alt Summit, a blogger conference in Utah

Less things, better

By Bijan Sabet

Good board members don’t ask, ‘Why are we making orange sneakers. Good board members ask, ‘should we be making sneakers?’

Standard: Keep It Real

This article is part of a series on the Core Standards at Focus Lab. Rather than defining and pushing Core Values, we have a set of Core Standards, which are standards we hold one another to, and strive to push each other to continually improve upon. They serve as the foundation of

The secrets of Grover Norquist

[I’m exploring 100 podcasts and writing what I learn. This is No. 31.]

Happiness is an Espresso Shot

When I asked Justin Cox 🌮 to write for Happiness Weekly I thought it would be easy. I enjoy writing and I thought his concept was really cool. When he let me know my date of publication I began to think about what I would write. No ideas were readily popping into my head. At…


photo credit: Dirk Marwede

For a lot of us, we either feel or know someone who feels like they have a void…