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Life Lessons

How Time Travel Makes You Better-Looking

How Your Mirror Lies to You (Hint: It’s Not the Mirror’s Fault)

The Washington Post attracted my attention recently with this headline: “How to tell if other people think you’re hot, according to science“. (I don’t know if my sweet…

Balance is Bullshit

I have so many clients who come to me looking for balance. That buzz phrase: work/life balance. Who made that up anyway?

Felicia C. Sullivan

Thank you, Felicia.

It is a high honor to think I made your day. If that’s true, I have just returned a favor you have offered me many times: making me grateful because of what you write.

I hope that I am not bringing up anything that may cause you pain or unpleasant memories. I ran across a…

The Humiliation of Certainty
Sherry Caris

Thank you Gary Rogers for publishing my story! There are not enough words to express my gratitude for the support of the editors at The Coffeelicious!


This year I celebrated Thanksgiving for my second time. I’m an Australian and always…