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Life Lessons

NextDoor: a lesson on how to disagree online

“My heart does not bleed,” wrote a neighbor on NextDoor, a social media network that connects communities. He wrote this in response to a recent crime reported on the site, one of several, both petty and violent, happening in our neighborhood as of…

Day 29 — Family

Today I saw a lot of old friends at Run Dem Crew.

It’s the Tuesday immediately after The Best Race in The World and housekeeping with Charlie Dark is always something special after a Sunday like that. I wasn’t really prepared for what the night had in store for me though.

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According to a popular misattributed quote:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

A Cup of Tea With…Drawberry Jam!

In case you missed it, this weekend the brilliant Jenna Thompson from Drawberry Jam took over our Instagram page for our #thortfulTakeover and shared snippets of her creative and personal life.

The Secret to Meditation

Awakened Millionaire Academy Review

Since both philosophies depend upon the focus and determination of a person’s inner workings, is there a way to determine which force has truly done the work? Is it a viable experiment to sit two people side by side while one meditates and…