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Life Lessons

10 Life Lessons We Learn Too Late

Originally published at lmt-lss.com on April 26, 2016.

Some life lessons are usually learnt late but you can learn them now.

“What is it that you are willing to live for, or maybe even die for?” Jacqueline Novogratz asked the 2016 Acumen Global Fellows at the end of a two day intensive Good Society Readings session. During the session, we had covered several readings on and by different leaders from Martin Luther King Junior’s Letter from the Birmingham Jail to an extract…

Why Quitting Your Job to Chase Your Dream Is a Terrible Idea
Jeff Goins

I had written this three years ago, a few months after I quit my job:

Several friends and colleagues have asked me for tips on becoming an independent consultant, a euphemism for being unemployed :) Many others have asked me how one can prepare for the life beyond a regular job. It made sense to share my thought process…

BOOK REVIEW. Startup Life by Brad Feld and Amy Batchelor

Still reading Startup Life but wanted to share my thoughts on the book so far, because it’s really interesting to me the subtle impact these things can have on your approach to relationships and work-life balance.

The Experiential Learning Experience — Final Entry

In this course, I have learned a lot from creating an About.Me page, LinkedIn account, a blog, and my own website. An important skill that applied to my experiential learning was organization. Being organized helped out a lot, but at the same…

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Mhmm I face the young woman trying to prove I’m smart among the schemers. Your like a name dropper nark Jon Westenberg. I know the type you speak of. It’s painfully annoying. Problem is the only accomplishments I’m proud of so far is not screwing a married man. I wrote a someone damning blog post instead 👌🏼 http://www.jesyousif.com/blog

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