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Make It Happen

Три месяца спустя после первой записи я смогла взять себя в руки и вернуться к блогу.

Недавно встретившись на конференции, я и Константин Савченко незаметно перешли от обсуждения мобильных приложений к авокадо на завтрак. Так я и поняла — вот он, мой новый герой. Кстати, тост…

Reclaiming My Time.

I was at a conference recently and saw a great presentation by Peter Diamandis on the Implications of Accelerated Change. From the Model T to AI to self driving Ubers, he mapped out the exponential rate at which our world is evolving in every way. Nothing tremendously new but the pace of it…

Why InstaPaper Is An Essential App

And I’m Guessing It Would Be For You As Well!

The GTD Phenomenon, Fad or Necessity?

The GTD phenomenon appeared over 15 years ago, and maybe due to that the more skeptic want to say it’s dead. The truth is it was quite a “trend” some years ago. According to Google, the “Getting Things Done” search grew significantly in 2005 and it reached his…

Squash Tomato Journal — Oct. 31, 2017–02:30

  1. Spent a hell of a lot of time trying to integrate Stripe. It’s not as easy as everyone bullshits about. Or I just suck, either one.
  2. Fixed a bug where you couldn’t change just your account name. If you tried to change your name…

8 Productivity and Efficiency Tips

In our first ebook, we covered occasional productivity tips as we worked through the first basic steps in working with a virtual team. We might have just have a few more up our sleeves.

1. Start every week with a productivity…