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How technology killed the work-life balance

This is an extract from Anastasia Dedyukhina’s new book Homo distractus: Fight for

The Ultimate List of the Best Productivity Resources

❤️ this list!

I recently launched The Better Show podcast — where every episode we deep dive on how to get better on a single topic. We cover a ton that relates to Productivity specifically, with episodes on sleep, stress, clutter, meditation & mindfulness and more. We just dropped an episode on nutrition for performance & productivity this week! 👍

Productivity for Writers: a System to Help You Publish More Work
Jeff Goins

Thanks for this piece, Jeff Goins. I have so much writing in various stages sitting in my Drafts and Byword folders. You just made me feel so much better about those pieces. Lately I’ve been pushing myself to publish more, and I have noticed how liberating it feels to open the folder, scroll through dozens of almost-completed pieces, and choose one…