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25 Inspirational Good Morning Quotes

Inspirational Good Morning Quotes to brighten your day.

On morning and habit

The first thing that I do after I snooze my alarm is to open this app called Today and put a check mark on my “Wake up before sunrise” habit. Today is a habit tracking app that I stumbled upon a couple of weeks ago. 
Within Today, I can create habits and set when, how often I want to do…

Wonderful workflows with Trello

Trello is amazing software. Period. Mind starts structuring thoughts. Let me tell you why.

What’s your stack?

A few weeks ago, I attended a (very) interesting event at TQ, the coworking space designed by The Next Web in Amsterdam. Its name: “Stack Exchange” (not to confuse with stackexchange.com, an entry point for the coding-related questions for developers).