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A Rant about Productivity

This was originally published on superyesmore’s The Human in The Machine.

In certain (developed) countries, where a healthy amount of productivity role models hail from, productivity has been pretty much nailed down to a science.

How Do I Stop Feeling Like Time Is Slipping Through My Fingers?

A few months before the start of #Project20nine I found myself afflicted by a constant worry. It had crept up on me and settled in like a shadow in the night. I was worrying that I’ve been wasting my time and that no…

Will Smith on Building a Wall

The Underrated Power of Tiny Action

Note: This story was first published in DeanYeong.com

I first heard about Will Smith from a movie “The Pursuit of Happyness.” Without knowing much about him, I…

My Trello Journey

Finally! I made the leap and created my first Trello board. The rest is history! Yes, i did it to simply have my own Trello…

I love this, Visco!
Kyle Seagraves

Thank you, Kyle.

That happens to me too. I have big goals and need big changements but changements usually require time and decisions.

I don’t have exactly a strategy for splitting activities in tasks. I follow experience and guts. What’s difficult is setting goals and taking decisions, then it’s…

The learning curve has been incredibly steep, and to be successful, I knew that I could not learn in the same ways I have in the past (analogue learning processes, adapting in a silo...
Attention Business Leaders: How Will You Be Disrupted?
Derek Russell

Great assessment of being a professional today. Thanks for sharing Derek! “Waiting to be taught by the organization” is a habit that will result in irrelevance very quickly. Honestly, most organizations don’t know how far behind they are and don’t understand WHAT to teach!

Bottom line — you have to own your career. Now, more than ever.

Bill Tomoff Olivia Tomoff