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Software Development

The New LISP

I named this post after an essay Reyner Banham published in Architectural Critic in 1955. Banham’s essay, The New Brutalism, describes a new movement in architecture he calls ‘Brutalism’. If you’re not familiar with brutalism, it’s a “style of architecture characterized by emphasis on such structural…

SSRF as a Service: Mitigating a Design-Level Software Security Vulnerability

Aaron Hnatiw is a Senior Security Researcher in Security Compass’s Advisory unit. His work involves learning about new and emerging security threats and how to mitigate them. In this article, he

What are the signs of a fake programmer?

[Question from Quora… my answer follows]

The tell-tale sign of a fake programmer is that they love to talk, but never actually sit down to code. And when they do finally sit down to code they generally give up fairly easily.

What Does Open Source Mean?

One of the most popular open source tools is the Linux operating system. It’s in use in a large quantity of…

Career path decoded, Refreshed to succeed!

The Sweskills Tech Talent Academy was timing, the pair programming experience helped in writing a successful Reverse Digits Solution. How it works: A Console program was written, the acm libraries was imported, program extended to optimize the acm classes then read numbers using the…