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Software Development

Using BPMN diagrams: pros and cons

If you took up quite a complex business process, then sooner or later, you will come across the…

Developer on Fire Podcast (w/Dave Rael)

A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of doing the Developer On Fire podcast with Dave Rael . The audio is about 45m. I figured that reading it might (and that is a huge might) be interesting. It isn’t a great transcription. And sometimes I read like…

Tarefas Pequenas

Na Compufácil utilizamos o Coderockr Way para gestão do time de desenvolvimento. Em nossa aplicação da metodologia nenhuma tarefa pode levar mais de dois dias para ser concluída. O segredo desse raciocínio não é estritamente o período de “dois dias” o importante é haver um tempo limite pequeno para

Achieving Engineering Balance

I read an interesting article “You Are Not Google”. The author’s main argument is that most applications in the world will not see Google (or Facebook/Amazon/LinkedIn) scale. Therefore, we should avoid over engineering problems with technologies that these companies use.

Agile — Individuals and Interactions

The Agile Manifesto tells us that we should value individuals and interactions over processes…