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Software Development

Prototyping With BNFC-meta

In a recent post Roman Cheplyaka showed off an extension he had made to wren gayle romano’s unification-fd which made it even easier to use. I decided I wanted to give it a spin, by starting on a little language idea I’ve been kicking around. Thinking about the front end, reminded…

Leaving the Nest

Yesterday the engineering team at Nest got quite a shock when an email went out informing the team of my departure at the end of June, never an easy thing to tell your co-workers. I have been at the company for over 5 and a half years, and have been involved in almost every level of the company…

Presentando KAN by MUKTEK

Por Enrique Carral Treviño


Soy Enrique Carral, fundador y CEO de MUKTEK, hoy una propuesta que revolucionará la educación en tecnología en México y Latinoamérica. Esto es el principio de un plan global de impacto…

Nekfa International

Who we are

NEKFA Technologies is an IT management software and solutions company with expertise across all IT environments-from mainframe and physical & virtual cloud. NEKFA Technologies manages and secures IT