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Software Development

GenServers and Memory Images — A Match Made in Heaven

My current project, Inject Detect, is being built with Elixir and makes heavy use of Martin Fowler-style Memory Images. After working with this setup for several months, I’ve come to realize that Elixir GenServers and a Memory Image…

Why Code Review?

Most developers will advocate for code reviews. In the world of OSS, code reviews are where changes happen and all bugs become shallow, right? Wrong! Developers don’t read through code and pick out complex bugs. You might find a small syntax error or misspelling, but bugs are not discovered by…

Why to join Toptal

Suddenly this question is not about Toptal. It is about yourself.

Who are you?

Maybe, the developer who codes from 9:00 am till 18:00 pm? E-commerce, corporate pages, mobile applications? Ah, whatever! Here we go: Wordpress, Joomla, Magento…