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Software Development

Catching Exceptions In Transactions

In my previous post, I showed an example of creating a uuid:

enqueueDB :: Value -> DB PayloadId
enqueueDB value = $ do
pid <- liftIO randomIO
[sql| INSERT INTO payloads (id, value)
VALUES (?, ?)…

Vue.js: Component/Library List

In December of 2016, I began creating a Vue.js training course. Last week, this tutorial was released. While spelunking through Vue.js, or simply Vue, I’ve come across some fantastic components and libraries. While a great framework is one thing, a great ecosystem is just as…

Developers at Work

Over the last month and a half, we’ve been exploring the changing role of developers in today’s workplace. The latest piece in this series comes from Colin Humphreys, CTO of Cloud at Pivotal, and he tackles the question of how automation might affect developers and their work:


At Apiumhub we always try to innovate in order to come up with more efficient…

Eyes on the prize — outcome over output

By Jakob Wolman (originally published via Medium, April 2017)

Lately I have been thinking about why so many software development teams are focused on creating new functionality in a product, but know very little about how the product…

Learning to Lead, Learning to Listen

On election day I went to Westminster. Not for political reasons, but to attend the Lead Developer conference. I’d been meaning to go ever since hearing good things about it from my colleague Tom Phethean, who went to the inaugural conference a couple of years ago…

Virgosys Software Pvt Ltd

Virgosys Software has software application development center in Bangalore. It has been custom software development and the global delivery model over the years. Our company offer liberal services in the area of custom programming, open source application development, software…