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Software Development

Pamplona Software Craftsmanship 2017

Cuando recibí un mail de Pablo Albizu invitándome a hablar en la edición de este año de la Pamplona Software Craftsmanship me hizo mucha ilusión. A parte de que siempre me gusta ir a algún evento en España, reencontrarme con amigos, hacer nuevos, y comer bien…

My First DApp

In my previous post I interacted with my testrpc blockchain using web3.js via the command line. The next stage was to try and develop an interface — a DApp or decentralised application. In basic terms this consists of two parts, a normal HTML front end that interacts with a blockchain backend.

Software factory, a delusion factory

The main idea of a Software Factory is create a kind of “assembly process” where the input is use cases and the output is software. However, the word “factory” is often misunderstood since it reminds traditional industry. Such confusion creates a delusion that…