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Software Development

The Modest User Interface Manifesto

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how things can go wrong when creating a User Interface.

To clarify this, I am by no means an expert with User Interfaces and I got only very few fundamental User Interface design skills.

Distributed Systems Are Hard

As I dive deeper and deeper into the world of Elixir and distributed systems in general, I’ve been falling deeper and deeper into a personal crisis.

I’ve been slowly coming to the realization that just about every production system I’ve worked on or…

What web development language you should learn in 2017

Recently I saw this question on Quora:

“I used to develop in PHP/MySQL about 4 years back. I understand that PHP is no longer a good choice. I would like to get back in developing dynamic websites/web apps

Week 30: Kevin Wang, Fossa

Making software has never been more of a shared experience. In today’s applications, roughly 90% of code comes…

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Unintended future consequences

Jay Rodgers

Largely, I am a big fan of server-less architecture. My life would be so much better without all the DevOps work I get pulled into, accidentally.

However, each of these mega trends comes with unintended future consequences and…

Alternator Rewinding

Alternator rewinding is the rewinding of the stator. Alternator rewinding may serve one of several purposes. Although it’s more specific for the brushes in an automotive alternator to fail, rebuilding an automotive alternator may require alternator rewinding. Alternator rewinding can also be used to…