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Software Development

Becoming Data Driven Level 4: Using Data to Shape Your Organisation

In the first part of this series, a starting point for gathering and reading data was introduced, in the second part we talked about how you can use this data to launch things that help you grow your business and…

Being a Junior Developer at 30
Eva Lettner

Age bias overload

Eva Lettner

The age bias in tech is a real problem and it keeps a ton of viable talent on the sidelines. The fact that you’ve experienced it in your 30s is testament to that.

I hope we are heading into a tech market that is more age diverse. Smart companies…


Evgeny Predein — CEO and co-founder of Apiumhub gave an interview for the European Life Magazine sharing his…

We Will Always Be Beginners

In a previous post, I mentioned our belief in maintaining an “always a beginner” mentality. This does not mean…