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Software Development

Debugging Elixir in VS Code

I recently released an early alpha of ElixirLS, an IDE “smartness” server for Elixir. It powers an associated VS Code plugin and includes debugger integration. More on that here.

The Grip of FFmpeg

By Arseny Vasilyev

FFmpeg is a set of libraries for video and audio files…

Compiler hacks in ElixirLS

I recently released ElixirLS, a language “smartness” server for Elixir that powers a VS Code plugin. More about that here.

One thing I wanted to achieve with this project was to have immediate builds with error reporting in the editor as you type. I ended…

Why product discovery matters

I had the privilege of being interviewed a month ago by Mike Belsito on the Product Lunch podcast. Product Lunch is a regular webinar series produced by Product Collective, a new initiative connecting product people from across the world. Product Collective also runs Industry…

Agile Testers Shouldn’t Be Enablers

(This content originally appeared on TechWell Insights)

Testers shouldn’t be the last line of defense. More and more, concepts like agile and DevOps are involving various members of software teams in several different roles. If everyone…