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Software Development

Ecto 101: Migraciones y Esquemas

En el pasado post sobre Ecto (Ecto 101: Intro, configuración y manipulación de datos sin esquemas) di una pequeña introducción a Ecto, su configuración y como podíamos manipular los datos de una base de datos sin definir esquemas de Ecto y sin crear migraciones de la…

Effective Shell Part 1: Navigating the Command Line

This is the first part of a series I writing which contains practical tips for using the shell more effectively.

I can’t think of a better place to start than navigating the command line. As you start to do more and…


Jenkins is an open source automation server, more specifically a continuous…

Browserify vs Webpack
Cory House

Fighting my gut

Cory House

All for losing dependence on Grunt and Gulp. They have been useful to me in the past, but at this point, they end up adding a layer over what could be a simpler or more node-oriented build process.

Import Mbox to Outlook

Importing MBOX into Outlook is one of the most major process when one thinking of migration of mail database. It is difficult because every one is not aware of the manual process until and unless one have a perfect knowledge how the conversion is to be done and selecting an appropriate…

Reducing Deployment Risks via Policies in DevOps Pipelines

Earlier this year, IBM introduced a new service called DevOps Insights (beta), which helps to reduce deployment risks, among other things. Policies can be defined to ensure that unit tests, functional tests and other tests pass…