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Software Development

The method of exploration

In a previous blog post I talked about the importance of being aware of the risks of software development. One of…


BDD Engaged

Cucumber bridges the gap between IT and BIZ helping teams build BETTER SOFTWARE for their…

JavaScript — What’s the difference between Null & Undefined?
Brandon Morelli

Managing nil

Brandon Morelli

Short and sweet. Not one of my favorite aspects of JavaScript. On my project we have decided that the two should be handled exactly the same in all conditional logic, service requests, and otherwise. We use the _.isNil check in Lodash to deal with some of the ambiguity.

Just Do As Expected
Joan Gamell

Bias toward action +1

Joan Gamell

Big fan of bias toward action. Analysis paralysis is a killer. Stack options have grown exponentially, so I have seen it coming up more often (Streams or Promises, Typescript or ES7, Redux or Roll your own…).

Does your Travel Agency Website need SEO to Succeed Online?

The travel technology industry is changing rapidly and almost exponentially, and simply being involved with technology, software and techniques of the digital age isn’t enough to keep up. Those techniques and common practices…