Part I: Variables, Control Flow and Looping
相信剛開始接觸程式開發的人,聽到很多前輩說:那個資料庫、那個 SQL 怎麼下…等等的對話時,一定都會想知道,到底什麼是資料庫、什麼又是本文的主角 SQL 呢?
I thought it might be interesting to use Search inside a multi-product SaaS provider— my current product domain — to explore some interesting topics around shared resources and complex internal service domains like data science. The topic came up a couple times…
I’m a CTO, over the past few years I’ve mostly been an interim CTO working in a mixture of part time and full time roles 3–6 months in length.
Often hiring managers don’t know exactly what to expect from a CTO or what a CTO actually does. This is totally…
Browser-testing company and Mozilla partner Sauce Labs grew out of the automated testing…
Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug…
In this article I will be talking about the 5 main benefits of agile project management and how…
Aspire is a single page personal finance app for digital natives. Inspired by the crisis of student loan debt, Aspire was developed to help millennials leverage their most important asset — time. Written with Vue JS framework, the app dynamically updates values, graphs, and dates whenever the user enters new info…
In a previous blog post I talked about the importance of being aware of the risks of software development. One of…
Behavior Driven Development is a great way to avoid a common situation we find in the process of…
“You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out. You put your right foot in, and you shake it all about.”
That dance reminds me of the average day of a Technical Lead. I was constantly jumping between everything that needs to get done…
It is my pleasure to present this community tribute to the beloved Alan Stevens, written by guest…
Bringing a product to market can be very challenging. Development takes time, but if a product is built too slow, users leave for competing products. Your team is working 8 hours a day to build a great product. But what if that is not enough?
What do you call it when you job shadow at a company that facilitates job shadowing? I call it Job Shadow Inception.
Cucumber bridges the gap between IT and BIZ helping teams build BETTER SOFTWARE for their…
Rehearsal is the key to a good performance. Revision is the key to good writing. Refactoring is the key to good software.
Custom Property Management Software Developed for Rentmoji: Success Story
Property management is assumed to be one of those industries that fails to keep up…
Managing nil
Brandon Morelli
Short and sweet. Not one of my favorite aspects of JavaScript. On my project we have decided that the two should be handled exactly the same in all conditional logic, service requests, and otherwise. We use the _.isNil check in Lodash to deal with some of the ambiguity.
Bias toward action +1
Joan Gamell
Big fan of bias toward action. Analysis paralysis is a killer. Stack options have grown exponentially, so I have seen it coming up more often (Streams or Promises, Typescript or ES7, Redux or Roll your own…).
Though I come from Software Industry I strongly trust that this happens in every domain.
Day 76 is in the books. Today was a bit unique because we went off site for a good portion of the day.
Every major version of Rails brings dozens of new features, increased security, and better…
With agile teams we often have retrospective to look at the previous sprints or weeks to see what went well and what we could improve. Why don’t we do this with features or releases? At least in the terms of learning. With Continuous Improvement teams should be…
Working in the C++ programming language is like the doing burpees during a workout. I can logically understand how it makes sense, but I’ve yet to meet anyone who can say they actually enjoy it. Oh sure, you get those cross fitters who put on a tough face, but then…
Technology changes everything.
I run the software development operation for a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company. The product is fairly young, and the thing that makes me most anxious is staying in front of the crazy high potential we have in front of us. That’s not really a complaint, because honestly this is…
Get finest Website designing Services in Noida:
Web designing is the nearly all famous instrument in the world of computers age, each one is needy on top of technology which they everyone wants to use for their betterment. Designing is used for the point of designing as well as developing websites. These websites might be…
A brief on the scope of technology that enables true healthcare digital transformation… More at this page!
The travel technology industry is changing rapidly and almost exponentially, and simply being involved with technology, software and techniques of the digital age isn’t enough to keep up. Those techniques and common practices…