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The 3 Tenets of Capitalism

[This story appeared in Quillette in March 2019]

At dinner not long ago my daughter and I had a standoff. She refused to eat something — a calzone in this case — because it looked “gwoss”. I failed to convince her what was actually in it until finally, I…

Top Trending Tools for Designers

curated by repick.co

Napkin for iphone

Napkin lets you design quick mockups directly on your iPhone.

接案工作一年後,7 個對我很有幫助的小秘訣

I’ve been freelancing for a year, here are seven tips that worked for me

Translated from Freddie Harrison’s article under CC-BY-SA License.

本文作者 Freddie Harrison 是現居蘇格蘭的文字接案工作者與內容策略師 (content strategist)。

Women Don’t Make The Best Product Managers

Note: This piece is done in response to Marty Cagan’s Women Make the Best Product Managers

Well, at least not innately. Over the past 9 months or so I’ve been fairly active in the Women in Product slack community and have met some…

Getting the interview every time

On normal day at Peergrade we receive 5–10 job applications for various jobs — marketing interns…

Know How to Cancel Shakeology

You may be wondering what Shakeology is? Well, this is a weight loss product that has been designed by the Team Beachbody. You can order this supplement online through their website. You can choose the one time order or the home direct option which allows the team to deliver…

Welcome to the Founder’s Desk

The Founder’s Desk is a window into the GUILD. This is where we share our insights about networking, community, and the strength that comes from building meaningful bonds with each other. As the GUILD’s network evolves, I hope to share my experiences with you and feature some

Samen leren werken

Sinds dit jaar ben ik samen met Melanie founder van onze eigen startup Embrosa. Samen maken we veel mee. We leren dagelijks…

Sharing stories and celebrating success

Today ISANZ announced their finalists for New Zealand Security Company of the Year. SafeStack is not on that list.

We’re ok with that.


I support Measure 97

I’ve decided to vote YES on Oregon’s Measure 97 this election year. I wanted to share a few thoughts on it because I wanted a place longer than 140 characters to explain why.

I co-founded Jive Software in 2001 (in Iowa, fun fact) and for its first 3 years we…

Make Drinking Water More Enjoyable: A Conversation with Todd Eichler, Co-Founder of H2wOw

By Lingling Chen

Todd Eichler is a serial entrepreneur before bringing H2wOw (pronunciation: H-2-WOW) to the market with his wife Alison Tirone, and…

Helping Shyp Scale Up And Go Nationwide

Junior partnered with Shyp to help the company expand its offering nationally, rolling out a price comparison service and self-service business model.

How to Resolve a Workplace Conflict

Three Minutes with Louisa Weinstein

For every office BFF, there’s a work worst-enemy; that person who makes your blood boil with endless pen tapping, overrunning presentations and pointless emails.

Announcing Redpoint China

By Chris Moore

We are pleased to share the news that Redpoint has raised a new fund dedicated to the domestic market in China led by our partners David Yuan, Tony Wu and Reggie Zhang. Redpoint China I is a $180 million early stage fund that will allow us to…

Origins Ep. 8: Evan Jaysane-Darr — Partner, Invesco Private Capital

Subscribe to this episode and past episodes HERE.

Seeking Engineering Review: How to deploy an iOS App?

How should Selbi do continuous delivery for our React Native app?


Jordan and I have been working on Selbi for a couple months and just pushed a beta release…

How to hack a hackathon, by a 42-years old guy?

At 42 yr old, I joined a travel tech hackathon for the first time 2 days ago, Sabre Destination Hackathon here in Singapore. Installing Eclipse and reading API docs brought back lot of memories when I started my career 15 years ago as a Java…

One year of iOS Cookies in numbers

Last Friday, October 14th, it was exactly year since I’ve launched iOS Cookies — A hand curated collection of iOS libraries written in Swift. How is it going then? Here are some numbers.

A New Black Anchor

Originally posted on my blog.

Lately, Black Anchor — in my mind — has been in an identity crisis. I started by making simple leather and canvas goods. When it all began I didn’t know the first thing about making a product. I just had a picture in my mind of what…

Letter from Weekdone

Hello everyone,

Weekdone is a weekly planning and quarterly goal-setting app that’s 4 years old…

The Future of Sales, Part 1

Brought to you by Pattern. A next gen sales execution platform trusted by salespeople and managers at Outreach, SalesLoft, Campaign Monitor,Segment and others. What are you waiting for? Sign up for a free account and get started today.

Subscribing to the future of work

By Te Ari Prendergast. This article was first published in The Press on the 30th of September.

Te Ari is an Architectural Graduate at Chow:Hill specialised in Indigenous Health and Education Design. Te Ari is of Ngāi Tahu descent and worked on

8 Things We Wish You Knew: Reception Edition

By Karena Sanchez, Seattle Reception, and Tori Dunlap, Social Media Marketing Manager